
Showing posts from May, 2020


      Dr Seuss makes a good point......everyone is just waiting. Waiting to be let out of lockdown, waiting to be allowed to visit friends and family, waiting to travel again. Australia and New Zealand have gradually been relaxing restrictions as we have all behaved, in the main, and the new case figures are reflecting that. Within Australia we have to now wait for all the different States to deliver their criteria. Queensland, Victoria, South Australia,Northern Territory & Tasmania are still not opening their borders although allowing some travel within those areas. This morning New South Wales (where we are) announced that from the 1st June we will be allowed to travel within the State and that some campsites should be opening in a bid to try to improve the huge losses suffered within the Tourism industry. That said we have two weeks to run before then, and it will be interesting to see whether there is a second wave of cases from the relaxation of rules last ...

Pondering pontifications...

I’ll do the next Blog, says I, I’ve got a few ponderings to share. Mmm, now I am sat in front of the keyboard maybe not so much.  You see, I have had my visions of writing grandeur somewhat boosted by having a piece published in the ‘Valley Voice’.  Yes, I know, not quite the Pulitzer arena but it made me recognise that I quite like writing, I quite like the challenge of sharing an idea, a thought, a picture, a feeling in words.  It’s ok, I won’t get all poncy on you, I know my limits! We have now been isolating for just over 6 weeks.  Blimey.  For me, it brings to mind the 6 week point in a 6 month deployment; the realisation there is no escape, that your mess mates can be bloody annoying and that there are so few crosses on your ‘days to go chit’.  And, in this instance, we can’t even have a ‘days to go chit’ because we don’t even know what the end date is… Unlike being stuck in a 200m by 14m metal box, we can, at least, get out...