Awe & Wonder

(this wasn't even on the official should be!) A few weeks ago we became aware of the latest book written by Julia Baird, "Phospherence - on awe, wonder and things that sustain you when the world goes dark". She is an Australian TV presenter and Historian and had actually written the book in response to some quite hefty life challenges. It was pure coincidence that the book was released at the beginning of the Covid19 Pandemic and, as a result, has flown off the shelves. I persuaded Von it might be a good read, and has proved thus far to be so. In the book Julia talks about how do we achieve inner light over things we have no control of. Amongst the writing one of the things that resonated with me was 'seeking awe and wonder daily'. She goes on to say that:- 'we take 'awe' for granted. Awe makes us stop and stare. Being awestruck dwarfs us, humbles us, makes us aware we are part of a universe unfathomably larger than ourselves...... w onder...