Hysterical, Historical, Hiatus's

It's not all 'beer and skittles' and nice views......well maybe ? I'm writing this (Shazza) from the sanctuary of New South Wales (NSW) ; a 'groundhog day' moment with a return to Kangaroo Valley as the State Borders once again tighten up due to Victoria's (VIC) second significant wave of Covid19. We've been over the border for just over a week and managed to avoid the 'hotspots' of Melbourne and surrounds, thankfully. It's a strange world when the mere sight of a VIC licence plate strikes fear and suspicion across the populous. Blessed are we with our NSW plate ! Avoiding Melbourne like the Plague.....literally ! The song played on a number of TV Ads which some would like as the National Anthem '...we are one ; we are Australia...' seems to have somehow been forgotten amongst the social media camping forums. A number of the, shall we say, older greyer nomads have been very curmudgeonly about it all. So pull up the drawbridges it'...