State Smashing
A Von Blog
This is an experimental blog in that I am typing it whilst we are underway, making way. Mmm, as a lifelong car sickness aficionado it will be interesting to see how I go. Funny really, I spent a great deal of time at sea in everything from aircraft carriers (big ships) to mine hunters (little ships) and everything in between, in lots of different sea states and yet I never was seasick. Put me in the backseat of a car and I'll be turning a dodgy shade of green before you know it.
Today is another big drive day as we depart NSW, drive through the top end of Victoria and get to South Australia - phew, three states in one day is quite impressive. But why the rush? As our Australian audience can attest to, the closing and opening of state/territory borders is a random spectacle which continues to surprise and, as such, we did not want to get caught out by being stuck in NSW or, indeed, Victoria so decided to hightail it whilst the going was good. This also meant we had to forego our trip to Canberra and the High Country but we figured neither is going anywhere and we can do it on the return - whatever and whenever that may look like.
Since the last blog we departed Kangaroo Valley and said a (sad) farewell to Derek & Irene. There is no doubt that Dennis has totally wheedled his way into their hearts and anyone who knows Derek would be very surprised that not only was he happy to have Dennis on the property but also in his house and, even more amazing, onto his lap!
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Derek does the crossword, Dennis does the napping |
We will, of course, return to KV at some point but the road was calling and our feet were getting itchy…or was that just the mozzie bites?
First stop was Sydney where we had some warranty work done by Trakka (window blinds and the outside shower fitting). Trakka are certainly not the cheapest vans around but the money spent not only provides a high calibre van but also delivers on outstanding service. This is borne out on the Trakka Family Facebook site where, not only is everyone really friendly and positive, but which is also monitored by the Trakka staff who offer help and advice.
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Thankfully there were no snakes hiding in the undercarriage... |
Anyone considering buying a van in Oz would do well to have a look-see although be prepared for a wait as I understand their order book is very full! The chaps at the Motorhome Doctor (Trakka maintenance wing) completed the usual high standard of work and we were on our way, back into Sydney to catch up with the Howes Family.
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Three icons in one photo... |
We have known Barbara (and accompanying family) since our very first morning in Sydney in June 2009. As some of you may be aware, I took an exchange posting to the Royal Australian Navy base at Watson’s Bay (a hard gig - not) and took over from a chap called Rob Kimberley. Rob’s wife Nerys had struck up a friendship with Barbara as they both had ‘wayward’ Rhodesian Ridgeback dogs (Kota with Barbara and Scooby with Nerys). On the morning we arrived (having stayed with the Kimberley’s) we were asked along to their usual morning walk and that was it, the baton was passed from Nerys to Shazza. Serendipity indeed as Shazza’s friendship with Barbara and the family really was a cornerstone of our Sydney experience and we will be forever grateful for it.
Nerys, Sharon and Barbara in August 2009, just as Nerys was returning to the UK |
It was therefore great to catch up with them all, apart from daughter Yazi who is actually in London doing a legal secondment there. We stayed the night and what could be better than a coastal walk in the early morning light. There is a reason the Bronte to Coogee walk gets mentioned in any, and every, travel article about Sydney. It fills the heart and the soul.
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An early morning walk in February 2021 on the Bronte Boardwalk |
As tempting as it would have been to hang around Sydney, we had SA to get to and so reluctantly said our cheerios and headed west. Up to the Blue Mountains and Barbara and Merrick’s property at Mount Wilson.
[well that was as far as I was able to get before I started to feel a tad queasy, seems I cannot blog whilst we are driving]
Withycombe, at Mount Wilson, is another very special place which is dear to our hearts. Not only were we able to spend time there and work in the garden during our time in Sydney but also very fortunate to take a number of visitors there too. Truly, it illustrates the generosity of Barbara and Merrick that they are so welcoming in their abodes. Withycombe itself has a very interesting history which you can read more about here:
Planning to do just a night at Withycombe we actually ended up staying three (!), that is how rejuvenating it is. Although the walk down to a local waterfall did result in both Sharon and I collecting a leech each which is, perhaps, not a highlight! Those buggers really know how to suck blood! Sharon was able to get over her ‘near death experience’ (her words, not mine) and set to work doing some mindfulness weeding.
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An isotonic beer for the Gardener. Dennis does the napping. |
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A rainy walk in the woods which did result in additional passengers |
A picture from 2011 when my Mum visited Australia and during her time at Withycombe she did a cross-stitch picture of the house; here deep in concentration. |
Like I said though, the road was calling. Over the course of four days we covered the 1029 kms from Mt Wilson to the South Australia border, and then a further 115kms to get to Bordertown, where we are now. That said, it wasn't all rubber rolling over tarmac. No, of course we were also able to take in a few country towns and their beautiful idiosyncrasies.
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Von and Sharon try out the new 'double fascinator'... This is the CSIRO radio telescope just out of Parkes and had a starring role ('scuse the pun) in the Apollo 11 moon landings and the subsequent film 'The Dish' starring NZ's own Sam Neill (read more here |
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And just across the paddock was the newly painted water towers. There was a great deal more written about this but perhaps that is just a sign of the times given this was completed in 2020? |
Now that we are in South Australia we will slow right down and go back to having a few nights in a place before moving on. The next actual thing in our calendar is a house sit in mid March so, until then, we are free as birds!