
Showing posts from November, 2019

That Conversation...

It's here ; barely 3 weeks until we 'GO' ! Hard to believe that only a few months ago we had 'THAT CONVERSATION' which lead to :- Buying a Van Selling the House Leaving our Jobs Crazy,Brave,Bonkers,Courageous,Insane and all the other superlatives that describe our states of mind or do they ? Perhaps I should return to that list..... Mid June  - Seachange Plan initiated                  - Test Drive Van @ Trakka HQ,Sydney                  - Significant Birthday                  - Significant times; de-clutter,sell and give away.                   - Kitchen renovation.......STRESS !! 😱 End July   - House to Market Mid Sept  - House SOLD ! ......This S**T just got real ! November- Moving Out and waiting...... The ultimate plan of driving around Australia h...

The start of a great adventure...

How we announced the adventure via Facebook...

Reflections on a career ending and an adventure commencing...

By Von. Yesterday I handed over my final job in a naval uniform, I still have a release routine to complete but, essentially, I am done.  Nearly 27 years of Service and a whole heap of experiences.  I found myself reflecting on those years and, being a simple sailor, I recall three significant events which shaped my career and life. As the XO in HMS CROMER I keenly remember the morning in January 2000 when the CO called me into his cabin to let me know that there was about to be an announcement changing the ‘ban’ of allowing homosexuals to serve.  He was concerned about the likely fallout especially in our small ship whilst I was thinking how I might, finally, be honest regarding who I was.  A momentous occasion and yes, there was plenty of discussion and debate amongst the ship’s company (all of whom were male) yet the sky did not fall in and the sun continued to set and rise.  But for me, the need to no longer live in the third person, to not lie a...