State Smashing

A Von Blog This is an experimental blog in that I am typing it whilst we are underway, making way. Mmm, as a lifelong car sickness aficionado it will be interesting to see how I go. Funny really, I spent a great deal of time at sea in everything from aircraft carriers (big ships) to mine hunters (little ships) and everything in between, in lots of different sea states and yet I never was seasick. Put me in the backseat of a car and I'll be turning a dodgy shade of green before you know it. Today is another big drive day as we depart NSW, drive through the top end of Victoria and get to South Australia - phew, three states in one day is quite impressive. But why the rush? As our Australian audience can attest to, the closing and opening of state/territory borders is a random spectacle which continues to surprise and, as such, we did not want to get caught out by being stuck in NSW or, indeed, Victoria so decided to hightail it whilst the going was good....