
BIG Gold Nugget, SMALL Brown Dog As Spandau Ballet once said ''ve got the power to know you're indestructable....(boom boom) GOLD'. Having completed the Nullarbor we hit a rich seam of Gold; namely the Goldfields Highway. A number of folk had recommended we visit the Goldfield Region due to it's historical significance in Western Australia. The Western Australians would have you believe that they prop up the economy of Australia single handedly, and I guess to some extent they make a good point. The majority of the huge mines are over this way and bring in huge swathes of money...mainly for the share holders and owners. It is no coincidence that the top two richest Australians for 2021 are in the Mining Industry. Despite the pandemic, Gina Rinehart increased her personal wealth by 123% to a mere $36.28 Billion making her the richest, closely followed by the 2n...